(Formerly 'Pirate Bride') We're married! Check back for recaps!! (Note: This is not a pirated wedding nor a pirate themed wedding, but I am a pirate wife, hence the title.)
I won't put you through ALL of our dancing pictures because there really are a ton of them! We had a blast just hanging out on the dance floor and boogieing and singing along to our favorites. I even got a group up with me during 'The Time Warp' (form Rocky Horror Picture Show) and had to teach them the dance!
"Those summer nights!" (I think that's the song here)
*sigh* Loved dancing with Nick
They are so cute!
Some of these are a little blurry, sorry.
She danced until she dropped!
Couldn't help but sneak a kiss on the dance floor
All right, that's all I will put you through. There are many, many dancing pictures because we had a lot of fun partying!
The night was winding down and it was getting to be time for us to leave and go...to bed. My next post, will be about our lovely car decorations. I can't believe my recaps are almost over!! Does anybody actually read these or am I just doing it so I can keep reliving my wedding? Or both?
I won't be posting again until after this weekend so have a safe and happy Independence Day! Happy birthday America!! (Can anybody else not believe it's already the end of June!?)
Note: All pictures were taken by our photographer, Jessica Lemmons, and her assistant. Check out her amazing work here!
This wasn't a surprise for Nick and I, but for our guests. After our special dances were over the DJ announced the lip sync contests. SURPRISE!! We had a pretty good turn out for the guys and girls separate contests and Nick and I judged and picked a winner for each. First up was the guys singing...
I loved, Loved, LOVED dancing with Nick. It started off a little rough, since we hadn't practiced, we kind of stood there for a second trying to get our feet coordinated. Once we got the hang of it, I didn't want the song to end. It is such a beautiful song, I could listen to it all day and I have before!
I love my daddy and I was so happy to have him walk me down the aisle three months ago at my wedding. I know a lot of brides don't have that privilege for one reason or another so I am very thankful.
Our DJ announced the bouquet toss and all of the girls piled onto the dance floor.
I stepped up to the plate with my bouquet. If you'll remember from this post that my tossing bouquet was made up of about 20 single flowers bouquets. My bridesmaids and I wanted to make sure that the girls knew there wasn't just one bouquet coming at them so we staged a little scene. My bridesmaids yelled at me to toss the bouquet at them and I let them know there was plenty for everyone (I know, kind of cheesy).
And the pitch!
Going, going...
Gone...onto Megan's (bridesmaid) head. Hmm, the flowers sort of stayed all bunched together when I threw them and they all landed on Megan and she got dog piled. Oops.
Her saying, "That's not how this was supposed to happen!"
But as a whole, the toss was a success and everyone (I hope) got a flower. This lovely lady got four!
What a laugh we all had over that and then I heard this music come on and Nick walking towards me with a grin.
And I told Nick he had to be nice-ish. He could use either his hands or his teeth, but not both!
Pay no attention to the grin on my face!
He really went for it and I had to hold my dress down so nothing would show that wasn't supposed to!
But he finally got it off of me and my part was done. He let the garter fly.
Our ring bearer was going for it!
He would have had it too, but he was a little late in his grab and it passed into the waiting hands of...
My brother!
And he's on the run to...
Can you see those arms? He ran straight to his girlfriend!
The whole thing totally looked staged, even though it wasn't.
They are so cute!
We all had a good laugh at that (it looks awesome in the video) and then we sobered up a bit for the dances. This will have to be in another post because this one is really long already...and I might tear up a bit so it'll have to wait.
Note: All pictures were taken by our photographer, Jessica Lemmons, and her assistant. Check out her amazing work here!